commercial photography/ mcdonalds : first time stories
"first time stories" is a photography assignment to immortalise Mcdonald fries as it is their evergreen product.
First times are everything; such moments that will leave a defining mark in ones live. They stay with a person for the rest of their lives and would always be looked back with such fondness. McDonald’s has been around for long enough to create significant memories for an individual.
This campaign focuses on the common experience one would have lived through such as the first trip down to McDonald’s to enjoy their first Happy Meal or even the first date in secondary school. This shows that McDonald has been there at your first and would like to continue that relationship and be there for a person for their more ‘first’s’ that they will experience.
Experience such as eating supper after a long night of partying, a study buddy for an important exam or even when one is too tired to buy food after moving into their first home.
Art Direction: Jason, Nadya, Wing
Photography & Lighting: Jason, Nadya
Post-processing: Nadya
Styling & Makeup: Wing
Models: Ocean, Savannah, Natasha
Location: Innovation Tower Studios'